
Monster Prom 2: Holiday Season

Created by Beautiful Glitch

The long-awaited sequel of the popular multiplayer dating sim "Monster Prom".

Latest Updates from Our Project:

14th Update: Backerkit, PAX and upcoming surprises!
over 5 years ago – Wed, Aug 14, 2019 at 02:10:19 AM

Hello, our dear backers! 

There are many news... and yet so many other surprises that will be revealed in less than a month! 

The most important thing is the fact that the Backerkit Survey and Backerkit Store are open! 

Please try to fill the survey during August! Let us answer some classic questions about it: 

  • How long the Backerkit will last? We don't know exactly. It can go from 1 to 3 months, with 2 being the most plausible for us. We don't want to make it super short so you have time to save money (if needed) + we are focusing on PAX West anyway (till early September). We don't want to make it super long either because we won't be able to move into the next steps until Backerkit is closed (and we know exactly how many people is getting what). I'd say to expect it to end between mid-September and early October. In any case, when we know for sure, we will try to communicate it in advance. 
  • Why do I have to put my address if my rewards are only digital? This is for tax purposes. We might be required to tell our country's tax entity how much money comes from within the EU and how much it comes from outside it (not sure if knowing number of Spanish backers vs backers from outside our country is relevant). This can impact our taxes in a significative way. It might not be needed in the end, but we cannot risk it. Sorry if it looks weird. 
  • Will the add-ons be available later for sale? Some are exclusive or semi-exclusive. The "exclusive polaroid" won't be for sale. The outfit and alternative PCs' DLCs are semi-exclusive. This means that you will receive more than 1 DLC in each case. At least 1 that will be later for sale and at least 1 that will be forever exclusive for backers. It is important to point out that this exclusive content might be available through exceptional means, such as contests on as gifts in specific conventions. The dakimakuras are a special
  • When I will receive my stuff? It highly depends. Polaroids should be the fastest thing to be sorted out. We only need to design some last ones and start producing them. Dakimakuras should be fast too, as it seems we've found a reliable supplier and only the Polly design needs to be re-done so it matches the requirements on resolution and size. With the figurines we're not sure, but once we have the numbers we will contact a supplier we've been told they are good and ask for duration of process. The card game will take quite a bit. We're looking at after the release of the sequel, at least. In any case, keep in mind that all rewards can be subject to the "October 2020" deadline we posted on KS + and all rewards that are the result of stretch goals can easily go beyond that (card game, any game besides the direct sequel). Of course the "October 2020" refers to the main thing (the game), so even some rewards like the DLCs should be released after the game's release. Access to Discord should be dispatched once the Backerkit ends. 
  • What polaroids are included in each set? The exclusive one is -of course- a new exclusive one. The 6 sequel ones are new ones. The set of 50 includes the 6 from the sequel + other 44 polaroids that have NOT been sold before online. This way we ensure you're not receiving polaroids you already have. 
  • I am moving soon. What should I do? OK, I'm NOT 100% sure (so it'd be cautious to ask Backerkit too); but it's to my understanding that you can change the address until the moment we click somewhere to tell Backerkit we're sending the stuff. So this should not be a problem. So when locking addresses you will be able of changing it last moment if you moved. Again, it'd be good to check with Backerkit (we will do too); but I feel pretty safe about this, as I've been a backer with them many times and I never experienced an issue. 
  • I'm confused with all the stretch goals. What games will I get from my KS reward? All backers get "Monster Camp" and "Monster Memories" (which is RETREAT + ROADTRIP). So now you're getting 2 games instead of 1, yay! All backers who backed at the 50€ reward or higher will also get the "Monster Prom: Not another isekai!" DLC. All backers who backed at the 80€ reward or higher will also get the "Monster Prom: REVERSE" game. There is a super important distinction: backers get both "Monster Camp" and "Monster Memories"; but add-ons for an extra game (originally called "Monster Prom 2") will get you just ONE of them. 
  • I am still not sure on the exact list of rewards that come with my pledge! Normally on the right side of the Backerkit screen, a detailed list of rewards is present for you to check.

Also, look at all these custom avatars! We started working on custom avatars and custom prom monstersonas. We have stopped for a bit so we can work on the PAX demo, but we will probably resume on September or October. 

So, as we just said, we're now working on a demo for PAX. We will be showcasing at the INDIE MEGABOOTH. Are you attending? We'd love for you to play the demo! 

I'm sure most of you will be super excited of playing the exclusive PAX West demo... but that's not all. If you come, you will find MANY SURPRISES. Believe us: it will be worth it! ;) 

Also: please join us in not 1 but 3 panels during PAX Dev and PAX West!

Wanna join? (: 

And that's all!

Aside that, the modtool is running, the Discord channels are very active and fun, and you can assume most of our time now is going towards the demo. This includes lots of new things already being made. We have the final roster of 6 ROs for Monster camp, new outfits, a set of 10-12 events, art for the smooching log (not sure if that's the final name!), and even a whole new minor NPC that we're still not sure if it's hilarious or just super weird. 

We're super excited about this PAX. We're preparing A LOT of things and this time we will be not 2-3, but 6 team members there: Maggie, Karlee, Quinn, Paco, Sonia and myself. And Cristina Vee (the voice of Vera and Joy) might be attending to help us too! 

But no time to get too excited: there's still A LOT to do during these 2 weeks. 

Best regards,

the Monster Prom team. 

13th Update: modtool is LIVE!
over 5 years ago – Fri, Jun 28, 2019 at 02:31:43 AM

Hey, our dear backers! 

This week we finally released an update (The Startkicker Update) that includes a new plotline, some old&new summer outfits... AND THE MODTOOL! 

Of course, this 1st wave is only for the backers who pledged on the 30€ reward tier or higher. If you are a recipient for it, you got the instructions on how to get access to it on a KS DM! 


So, have you tried the modtool already? We hope you liked it. 

Keep in mind it is a very early 1st wave (KS finished less than 3 weeks ago!), and so it probably has many errors and such. Our Discord channel includes a troubleshooting only for the modtool. We're collecting all errors presented there and the devteam  working on the modtool (the awesome Titutitech) is working on solving them ASAP. But please, be patient (: 

But so far... are you enjoying it? :0

Also, we're listening to all the ways of improving the modtool. Of course, it is its own thing and we can't deviate too much budget into that, unfortunately. Buuuuut, we've studying ways of making it so modtool can fund its own upgrades by itself. From just doing a Patreon for it to creating some kind of online market for art commissions focused on the modtool. Like we promote artists we love so they get lots of commissions at higher prices than they're used to. We get a cut (still, being sure they do as much as they want to do or even more after we taking said cut) and that money goes directly into a list of improvements for the modtool. Or even new modtools (for the sequel and such)! Of course this is all super early yet. We will study these options during these months, based on how the 1st wave goes.

This brings us to another topic. Similar to how we did with unofficial merch, we're banning (from our own platforms) any commissioned modtool content. Of course this is not a legal issue, but as creators of the game and the modtool, we won't allow content that has been commissioned to artists. Yeah, of course there a lot of gray areas and exceptions. If a friend gifts you modtool content, that's great: go and use it. But we will politely ask you to refrain of commissioning (or if you're an artist, then of creating on commission) content that is meant for our modtool. This is NOT a ban forever, but just temporary until we figure out what we will do ourselves with commissions (same as the unofficial merch ban was just till some months after we did our official merch). So please, respect our wish and be nice: we might want to build an ecosystem for commissions that gives more power to artists while also funding upgrades for the modtool. If we find mods with commissioned content, we will remove it (and kick out the user from the Workshops) and we will ban any content from the artist (so by doing this you're also putting the artist at risk). 

I know this might upset some people. But even if you had commissioned content, you can keep the mod until we lift the ban (which we will do in some months). And yeah, you can fool us and assure us it was a gift, or something like that. Hard to find out for us, tbh. But don't be a jerk. Understand this is to give us the best position possible to build something better. In the end, we've created this weird cool thing (the modtool) that is making all this possible. And think of the big picture: if we see there is a business in the modtool by itself, be sure we will then invest on it in order to make it ten times better. Stuff like making new modtools for new games or adding big features (like creating your own RO or your own playable chars) require quite a bit of $$$ and in order for us to justify said investment, we need to find a way of making it profitable on itself. 

We hope you understand. 

And finally, to continue on a more joyful note... let us present you some of the first custom prom monstersonas! Aren't they lovely? <3<3<3

We've started to fullfill these. Doktor is taking care of the avatars while Viper is taking care of the prom monstersonas. You don't know how much I love to see these done, knowing they will bring so much joy to the backers who asked for them. And who knows... maybe some of these could end up shortlisted for the level up! 

Finally: we're back from Japan! 

We had a great time. Not only we did lots of fun things; but we also used the trip to be together in a critical stage for us to discuss what's to come. We solved lots of questions we had on Roadtrip, Retreat and the 4th Adventure. It is not final, but we now have a much more clear idea on what those 3 will be. Specially Roadtrip was super bare bones and now we're very excited about it. Also, thanks to the Exclusive Discord Servers we understood what could be most liked by you and that lead to some awesome ideas, such as a potential "selfie mechanic" for Roadtrip. We will reveal more once we get there!

And we even worked on recurring gags and ideas for Monster Camp. The current most fleshed out RO for that game is... DAHLIA! We've come up with many ideas on how her char could work on Monster Camp, and it is looking awesome. 

Finally, a tease into the far future: after the KS ended, we went to Kurama Onsen, a beautiful place. While relaxing there, we discussed what might end up being the 8 RO Secret Endings in REVERSE (2 for each RO). Once again: not final; but some awesome ideas came to mind. From dealing with obnoxious flatmates to fighting against rumors. Even if this might take a long time since we have 2 other games, it is also looking great. 

And that's all! What do you think? Less than a month out of the KS and so much stuff going on already! It makes us very excited. We hope you're too! 

Best regards,

the Monster Prom team. 

12th Update: Discord channels/Polls are OPEN! + Custom Rewards
over 5 years ago – Sat, Jun 15, 2019 at 02:48:00 AM

Hi, our dear backers!

First rewards are finally happening. We have prepared the Discord Channels and the forms for the Custom Rewards

On the Custom Rewards we have had some issues. We've fixed most of them. If you had some, please try again now. Some stuff on that topic:

  • AOL and Comcast email addresses were causing an error. It is fixed
  • The 4 playable characters weren't an option for date on the Prom Monstersona and the polaroids. Now they are
  • Forms didn't let people to input special charact
  • ers (such as commas or periods). That's fixed
  • There are still some persisting errors. Please contact Paco, who's the one programming the forms by emailing [email protected] 
  • Also contact Paco if you wanted to choose a playable character as your date on either of those rewards and you couldn't and yet you chose someone else because you believe they weren't eligible. For instance: you wanted to have Oz as your prom date on your prom monstersona, but since he was not available you chose Liam. Feel free to email [email protected] and ask for them to fix your request and put Oz as your prom date. 


So there are 4 different rewards regarding exclusive Discord Channels: the 3 Discord channels + The polls. Please, if you are a 50€ reward tier backer, be aware that the POLLS are also done through a Discord Channel, so this update is very relevant to you too. 

So any backer pledging at the 50€ reward tier or higher: please read the following steps to get your reward. 

Here’s how to access the Exclusive Discord Channels (super quick process!):

(Please do this as soon as possible)

1. Join the Monster Prom discord server:

2. On the right hand side, find the BackersBot

3. Click and privately message this command to it: .backer_help

4. DO NOT forget the dot at the beginning! And the underscore in the middle!

5. The bot ( BackersBot#4161 ) will send you a private message with further instructions. You will need to provide your email address (the one used on Kickstarter) as proof.

6. The bot will send you an email with a confirmation code - make sure to check your spam folder. Follow the instructions.

7. After the process, you will be granted one of 4 exclusive roles depending on your reward tier ("Poll Taker", "Inner Circle 1", "Inner Circle 2", or "Inner Circle 3") and be able to access one or several of our exclusive channels for taking polls and proposing ideas! The roles grant incremental access. For instance, if you're "Inner Circle 2" you will have access to the same channels than "Inner Circle 1" and then another one!

8. That's all. Huzzah! 

9. If you run into any problems feel free to poke Mihail on the server

We want to give credit to our fellow Spanish devs at Crema Games, creators of Temtem. They are the ones who firstly created this bot, thus making all this process much easier. Thanks! (: 

You can wishlist TemTem on Steam!

also, we want to thank Kitfox. They also used the bot and gave us advice about it. To be 100% honest, we've basically copied the steps they wrote for their reward on the Boyfriend Dungeon campaign (as we're backers and we did the process ourselves back then). It made sense, since the bot is basically the same and so the steps are almost identical! 

You can also wishlist Boyfriend Dungeon on Steam

Aaaaaaaand that's all! 

Next reward to get done is the access to the 1st wave of the Modtool. Get your ideas ready! ;) 

We're super excited about both the Custom Rewards and the Discord Servers (+Polls). The artists will get soon into the rewards already. And so we will start to shortlist the monstersonas we like for the level up! There will be +150 monstersonas!

IMPORTANT NOTE: remember you have 1 month to fill the forms for the custom rewards

Also, we want to start the Discord channels. First discussions and polls will be about:

  •  Monster Camp's romance options.
  • Polaroid contents! 

Aren't you excited? (:

As always, thanks for your support. It means a lot. 


the Monster Prom team. 

11th Update: WE DID IT!
over 5 years ago – Sun, Jun 09, 2019 at 12:24:17 AM

And... it's done!

What a mind-blowing campaign, everyone. We knew the Monster Prom fandom was strong, and yet you surpassed all our expectations. This whole month has been wonderful (and exhausting!). 

But the campaign is over... AND ALL STRETCH GOALS WERE MET! 

It seems as if we can't now edit the campaign (it makes sense, so we don't remove anything we said I guess). And so, here you have an image of all the stretch goals. But c'mon, if it says 520k and we did 535k, it is implied we're doing it too. I've seen 4-5 people wondering if the stretch goal not being crossed might mean we are not doing it. It does not mean that -_-


So, around 1,150 credit card/bank errors occured. This is OK and within the standards of this kind of failures in KS campaigns, specially being in € instead of $. It's OK! You have a week or 2 to fix it, if I'm correct. Some have been fixed and now we're at 900. Contact your bank and KS support to be sure you can fix your pledge and get your rewards! 

If you had an error of this type, it will show quite clearly. So if not sure, you are probably in the clear!

Lots of times is just the bank displaying a very standard (and mistaken) fraud counter-measure. Just contact them and tell them you're well aware (and approving) of this transaction. 

Now -as said- we have some tasks for just after credit card checking comes to an end (in 1-2 weeks from now): 

  • Modtool beta access for backers
  • Discord exclusive servers
  • Custom rewards

In the meantime, we're still in very early pre-production, deciding mechanics and structure of the now 5 different games we're working on. Soon after the Discord servers are set, we will decide (along with your help) who the 6 Camp ROs will be. With that information we can start going heavy on creative direction for Camp, preparing the hundreds of event prompts for the game.

We're super excited about this! But we want to wait till the Discord is open to start discussing content more in depth! (: 

Thanks for all your support! We will do our best to create a new experience that brings you fun and joy! 

Best regards,

the Monster Prom team

10th update: less than 24h!
over 5 years ago – Thu, Jun 06, 2019 at 02:33:51 AM

We're almost there. Less than 24h left! 

So let's comment on this. 

We're just less than 32,000€ shy from "Monster Prom:REVERSE". Let's do some maths! 

It would just take all backers increasing 5€ on their pledges for us to get there. 

But as commented before, REVERSE would be a reward for backers at the 80€ reward tier or higher. So, alternatively... it'd just take half the 50€ reward tier backers leveling up into the 80€ reward tier for us to get there too! 

Basically: we're hella close.

To increase chances, we've re-opened some of the reward tiers that were sold out, including a 2nd 8500€ reward tier. If not claimed, we will close them again some hours before the Kickstarter ends. 

But in any case, as fun as it is dreaming of potential ways of getting there, we're hyper happy about all this, regardless we hit this last stretch goal or not. It has been a beautiful and often dizzying ride! And it's just the start. 


We the Barcelona team are making a trip together these weeks, as a bonding experience to start this project strong. So these days we're discussing and imagining how all these new games could work. Camp looks super promising (and easier to make, as it will be quite closer to Prom). On that front, we're very excited to start polls to decide the 6 ROs. On the other hand, we're talking a lot on Retreat, Roadtrip and 4th Adventure. We have plenty of ideas and they look interesting. One of our goals is making each of those experiences feel different and entertaining in their own unique way. It will be a great way for us to determine which paths look more promising for future games. We want to keep the multiplayer and narrative aspects of it; but should we go more co-op or more competitive? We will see! 

But we're working tirelessly these days. Being together 24/7 is letting us giving our 100% to Monster Prom while also having a great time together! 

We're also preparing those 3 reward types we want to start first: Discord Server (and Polls), Modtool and Custom Rewards. We're tweaking bots to validate backers, discussing structures and programming forms. We will get there! 

And about the SOCIAL MEDIA STRETCH GOALS. We have 9 out of 10 achievements needed to unlock the last social media stretch goal. Currently, easiest achievement to accomplish is the one of +10,000 followers on Tumblr. Because you know what? We're at 9,990 followers! 

So you know: follow us on Tumblr

I don't know if you follow us on Tumblr and Instagram, but we reveal lore there if we achieve following milestones. We recently revealed zodiac signs of many chars. Here you have a beautiful poster to gather all that info. It's another way for us to say thank you to you! We hope you like it. Go and download it. Are you happy with the character who shares your zodiac sign? :D

If you visit either the Tumblr or the IG, you can check why the different characters have the zodiac signs they have!

And that's all for now! 

Aaaah! Almost there. Aren't you excited? We are! 

Really: thanks for all your support. You're the best.

Best regards,

the Monster Prom team